Sunday, June 29, 2008

Nausea, sleepiness & mood swings - Oh My!

Well "morning" sickness is still hanging around, although I can't complain too much since I know it could be much worse than it is now. I've just had a hard time with certain foods making me gag & I've been getting nauseous after I eat & when I haven't eaten for awhile. At our work mixer the other night we had Brie for people to snack on and just the thought of it is making me gag now. It's so funny the stuff that gets to me.

Matt's been a good sport and has been putting up with my increasingly earlier and earlier bedtimes. I've been heading to bed as soon as I'm tired which this week has been around 7 or 7:30 - Woohoo party girl. He's also been taking care of cleaning up around the house since as he put it my new job is to "take care of the baby". I'm sure I'll step back into cleaning soon, but for now while I'm exhausted and nauseous I'll sit back and enjoy it.

Before I was pregnant I had read about pregnancy mood swings, but I figured they probably wouldn't effect me much - Ha! I was wrong. I feel like sometimes another person takes over and starts speaking/yelling for me and all I can do is watch in horror. For example, last night Matt and I were watching a movie on PPV & I wanted to see how much time was left, so I "asked" him to hit the info button. The only problem was instead of asking it came out more like "INFO!!!!! HIT THE INFO BUTTON!!!!!" Luckily he has a sense of humor and enjoys seeing his wife turn into Pregzilla.

For the last two or three days I've been having an issue with my pants fitting in the afternoons. The lovely bloat of early pregnancy is officially upon me. My jeans fit just fine in the morning, but after sitting all day and eating lunch it is definitely not a comfortable situation. I went yesterday to Gap to look at their maternity stuff to see what options I had. Amazingly enough, they were having a huge sale! I ended up picking up a pair of jeans - which I have to say are the most comfortable things ever. They just have a stretchy band at the top rather than having a full panel (my belly's big, but not that big yet). So while I didn't plan on being in maternity pants at 6 weeks, I don't see the need to try to stuff myself into uncomfortable jeans any longer.

Our first OB appointment is on Thursday. I'm really nervous & completely excited at the same time. We'll have to go over family histories, have an exam, I get to have approximately half my blood drawn (ok maybe I'm a bit dramatic, but I HATE needles), and the best part - We get to have an ultrasound to see Bean. Granted, Bean looks something like a blob with stubby arms at this point, but it's our blob and we are counting down the days. We'll also get to hear/see the heartbeat which I think will make me feel much more reassured about the whole pregnancy.

6w 1d

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back from LA

I got back from LA yesterday afternoon. It was a great weekend, but between the lack of sleep and the long drive - I'm exhausted!

I got to LA around noon on Friday, and met Jen and Alex at their office. Friday we hung out and played Guitar Hero - Which I am completely addicted to now by the way.

Saturday we headed up to Santa Barbara for the day - It was perfect timing since the Summer Solstice Parade was going on. It was a beautiful (but hot) day. Saturday night we made delicious fondue for dinner. Yummy!

Sunday morning we headed to the beach to get some sun and escape the heat. Sunday afternoon we had a BBQ with friends - We played Bocce Ball & Cranium.

It was nice to see Jen and Alex, but I can't believe how tired I am. I don't know how much of my exhaustion is from the baby and how much is from the trip, but I'm hoping it goes away soon.

"Morning" sickness caught up with me last night - I'm glad I escaped it for my trip, but it's no fun at all. I was feeling pretty sick most of today as well. It seems to be a little better tonight, but I have a feeling it's a sign of things to come.

5w 3d

Friday, June 20, 2008

Heading to LA

I can't believe how quickly the last week has passed. It's been more than a week since we found out we're expecting.

Matt told his parents on Monday. They are thrilled to be grandparents-to-be. We're planning to take them to a Giants game in July, and we're looking forward to seeing them in person.

I also told my boss this week since I haven't been feeling very good and it's a small office, so I didn't want him to figure it out before I told him. He was happy for us and also very willing to work with me to figure out maternity leave. I'm hoping to work from home for awhile after Bean is born, and he said that shouldn't be a problem at all. Big Relief!

I'm counting down to my first appointment - Less than two weeks to go before we get to hear Bean's heartbeat and make sure everything is going well.

I haven't felt too bad the last week, but I have been having waves of nausea and lots of dizziness. I have a feeling morning sickness is just around the corner, but I'm enjoying things for now.

This weekend I'm off to LA to visit my best friend Jen. I'm excited to finally see Jen and Alex's new house. I'm really looking forward to catching up with Jen (especially since she's almost as excited as I am about Bean). This weekend we're heading to the beach, doing some shopping, having a BBQ with friends & hanging out. I'll post pictures when I'm back.

4w 6d

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Slowly spreading the news...

We've started telling a few close friends and family about the baby. We figure these are people we are going to want to support us no matter what happens.

The first person we told was my friend Cheryl. I've know Cheryl since I was 9 and it was so much fun to tell her since she knew I'd be testing soon. Cheryl and her husband Dan are moving back to Seattle next year, and I promised her we'd try to have a baby before they go - I always try to keep my promises ;)

Next, I told my friend Daniel. He's another person who knew we'd been trying and he's also moving back to Brazil next week, so I wanted him to be able to share in the excitement for as long as possible.

I told my best friend Jen over the phone while she was on her way up to visit Seattle. I was planning to wait until I went to LA next week to visit her, but this news is way too big to keep from her for a whole week. She's excited for us and excited to go shopping for the baby (Shopping is definitely what we do best).

Finally, we told my dad. Again, we had to do it over the phone since he doesn't live near us. I wanted to tell him in person, but I thought it would be fun to tell him before Father's Day. He was at a restaurant when I called and when I told him he said "We're gonna be grandparents again" to my step-mom. I could hear everyone in the restaurant congratulating him. He was happy and told me it was the best Father's Day present ever. My nephew Tyler is 15 months, so I'm sure he'll be excited to have a little cousin to play with.

We're planning to tell Matt's parents today (Father's Day). It should be fun since this will be their first grandchild.

Oh and just because I still couldn't believe that I'm actually pregnant, I went out and got a digital HPT this morning.

Yep - Still pregnant!

4w 1d

Friday, June 13, 2008

And baby makes three...

Matt and I found out yesterday that we're expecting our first baby next February. We couldn't be more excited, although the whole thing is still so surreal.

I woke up in the middle of the night on Wednesday/Thursday and couldn't wait to test. I stumbled into the bathroom in my sleepy state and took the test. I waited the recommended three minutes and got ready to toss the test since I figured it would be negative. When I picked it up to toss it I realized there were two lines - Holy Crap!! It took all my strength to not wake Matt up, but I somehow managed to wait until 6:30 to tell him.
I woke him up and gave him this:He's really excited, but again I don't think it seems real yet.

My first appointment is July 3rd. It's going to be hard to wait that long, but hopefully Bean (what we are calling the baby) will continue to snuggle in and get comfy for 9 months.

3w 6d