Monday, August 31, 2009

6 months

I can't believe Mads is 6 months old already!!! I was talking with my friend Mel, who lives in LA, the other day about when we'd be able to bring Mads down to meet her son Landon. I told her the next time we'd have a chance would probably be January and then I realized that Mads will be almost one by then!!! Unbelievable!!

Matt and I are having so much fun watching her grow and explore everything around her.

I can't wait for her doctor's appointment this week to find out how big she is now (though I'm not looking forward to the shots)

Here are some of her 6 month stats:

- She has one tooth
- She can stand on her own when she holds onto the couch or the table
- She's tried pear, banana, apple, peach, peas, sweet potato & yogurt
- She's sleeping with one arm unswaddled
- She's sleeping at least six hours at a time at night (thank you Ferber)
- She's wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes
- She's wearing size 2 diapers
- She likes to help hold her bottles when her Daddy is feeding her
- She loves to play peek-a-boo

6m 4d

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I found an easy pattern to make a tutu online, so I thought I'd try to make one for Mads. Here's the result:

I can't wait to make her more.

5m 4w 2d

Sunday, August 16, 2009


While we were home this weekend, Mads had fun playing the piano with her Grandma Sarah.

5m 2w 6d

Birthday Parties!!

This weekend we headed to Sacramento for a surprise birthday party for Maddie's Great-Grandma, Great-Grandpa & Great-Aunt.

It was tons of fun & I have to say they were all completely surprised (impressive since there were almost 90 people there)

It was also great to have the entire family in one place and for Maddie to meet all of her family. It was especially fun to see her meet her cousin Christopher who was born three days before her.

Blowing out the candles

The whole family


5m 2w 6d

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dinner & Bath

Here are a couple of videos of Mads.

The first is of her first time trying peas. She liked the first couple of bites, but then decided she prefers bananas and pears.

The second if of bath time. She has always liked her baths, but she has now figured out how to splash and play with her toys. I think we're going to have to move her little tub into the big tub from now on because she's making a huge mess in the kitchen.

5m 2w 2d