Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Necklace

I'm super excited for my new necklace from a fellow nestie's etsy shop

She has a ton of great stuff - You should definitely check it out.

Friday, March 27, 2009

1 month old

Madison is 1 month old today! I can't believe a month ago today we were on our way to the hospital getting ready to meet our little girl. She's already changed so much since we brought her home. She's starting to stay awake more during the day, and we're really enjoying playing with her. She's also starting to sleep (a little) more at night, so mommy and daddy can get some rest too.

We still can't decide who she looks like - I think she has my chin, but I think she looks more like Matt. Only time will tell I guess.

Here are a couple of pictures from this afternoon.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random Pictures

Maddie and I had lots of fun in LA with Jen & Alex. It was great to visit Mel as well. Here are some pictures from the last week.

She was trying so hard to stay awake.
3w 6d

Friday, March 20, 2009

Roadtrip & 3 weeks old

Maddie and I are off to LA for the weekend for Mel's baby shower and to visit with Maddie's godparents (AKA Jen & Alex).

Maddie's 3 weeks old today - The time is seriously going by way too fast.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness

March Madness has officially started!! Matt and I are super excited - Clearly Maddie is excited as well...2w 6d

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

2 weeks old

Maddie's a little more than two weeks old now, and I really can't believe how fast time is flying by. She's changing so much everyday, and Matt and I are enjoying every minute of it.

This week we gave her a pacifier, or paci as we call it, for the first time. She LOVES it. I love it too because she sleeps a million times better with it, so I'm starting to get (kind of) caught up on my sleep too.
We also took a trip to Sacramento to visit with friends and family. She did great and loves to be in the car (something I'll have to remember when she's fussy). We also took our first trip to a restaurant - She slept the whole time, so Mommy and Daddy actually got to eat a meal together.

Tonight we gave her a bath for the first time. She wasn't so sure what to think at first, but she eventually decided she liked being in the water. She did great until we took her out - Then she cried for about 30 minutes.

2w 3d

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hanging out

Madison loves to hang out on the couch with mommy and daddy...

1w 6d

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Maddie's favorite place

This is where Maddie has been spending the majority of her time. Have I mentioned how cute I think she is????

1w 4d

Monday, March 9, 2009

1 week old

I can't believe Maddie's already more than a week old. It seems like yesterday that we were still waiting around for her to get here.

Things have been going really well so far. Maddie and I both seem to have the hang of breastfeeding. She has her days and nights mixed up, so she sleeps all day and is up all night. She's also been eating about every hour at night, so I'm not getting much sleep.

She hardly fusses at all & really only cries when she needs her diaper changed or is hungry. We still don't know how we got so lucky.

1w 3d

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

She's Here!!

Madison Lynn Wright finally made her appearance Friday February 27th at 7:16 pm.

Last Belly Pic - 41w 3d

I had an appointment Friday morning with the doctor for a checkup and to schedule an induction for Saturday or Sunday. The appointment went well (I was already 5 cm dilated), but when the doctor called Labor and Delivery they said for me to go ahead and come in since they were slow. Once I got over the shock that I was going to have a baby TODAY I went home and got everything ready and had Matt head home from work.

The drive to the hospital was surreal - We couldn't believe after all this waiting that we were finally going to meet her. We kept saying how weird it was that this was the last time it'd be just the two of us.

We got all checked into the hospital around 2pm and the doctor on call came in to check me around 2:30 pm. I guess they had a bet going that I wasn't really 5 cm, but sure enough I was! They decided to break my water and see if that would get things started or if I'd need pitocin to get the show on the road. Contractions started pretty much immediately after my water broke. I was super excited since I was hoping to go without any medication.

The contractions weren't bad at first, but started to become more intense around 4:30pm. The midwife came in and checked me around 6pm and I was still 5 cm dilated, but was 95% effaced. Some progress, but not as much as I'd hoped since contractions were starting to become really bad. I labored on the birthing ball for awhile and eventually decided to labor in the shower sitting on a shower chair. The shower was AMAZING!!! The contractions were still extremely painful and intense, but the hot water helped me to focus.

Around 7pm I was in a ton of pain and feeling lots of pressure, so I decided to discuss my options for pain relief other than an epidural - Since I hadn't progressed much in the 3.5 hours I'd been there so far I didn't know how much longer I could stand the super intense contractions. The midwife came in to check me and discuss my options, but when she checked me I was 10 cm - Time to Push!!! I couldn't believe I'd gone from 5 to 10 in a little less than an hour. They put a squatting bar on the bed, so I was able to stand up and squat to push rather than laying down. For me it made pushing much better. I pushed for about 15 minutes and at 7:16 pm our beautiful little girl was born.

First Picture

Matt and I were instantly in love - She's perfect. She weighed 8lb 14oz and was 21 inches long. She has a head full of dark hair and adorable little lips (her favorite thing to do is suck on her lower lip).

I started breastfeeding Maddie about 20 minutes after she was born and she's been doing great. We both had some learning to do, but so far so good.

We stayed in the hospital Friday night and were lucky enough to be sent home on Saturday afternoon - about 24 hours after we were admitted.

Matt is an amazing daddy already. He's so sweet with her and I can already tell how much she loves him.

It's been a whirlwind couple of days, but we're so happy to have our little girl home.
