Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 months!

Mads is 3 months old!! I'm back to work next week & I can't believe my time home with her is gone already. I think she'll have fun at daycare playing with other babies and the teachers.

Here are her 3 month stats:

- Can hold her head up on her own.
- Can set up when Mommy or Daddy holds her at the waist.
- Smiles & coos when she sees Mommy or Daddy.
- Wears 3-6 month clothes.
- Wears a Size 1 diaper, but is almost ready for size 2.
- Likes to "stand" on Mommy or Daddy's lap.
- Still has a huge bald spot.
- Can hold things when we put them near her hands.
- Her favorite toys are Jacques the Peacock, Inchy the Inch Worm & her Lovey.
- Loves to go with Mommy on walks.
- Laughs out loud (especially at Daddy).
- Goes to sleep around 8:30 pm
- Can roll from her back to her side.

3m 1d

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

(Almost) 3 month pictures

I took Maddie today to have some pictures taken. She did great! She wasn't too sure about the camera and the lights at first, but she got used to it. Here are a few of my faves:

2m 3w 2d

Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day was wonderful! Matt and Maddie gave me my present on Thursday since we were going to be out of town this weekend. I got a beautiful necklace and a card from each of them (Maddie's handwriting looks suspiciously like her daddy's though haha).

We headed to Rocklin to visit for the weekend and had lots of fun. Sunday afternoon we headed home and had a low-key end to our weekend. Maddie had a great time visiting with everyone.

You can tell we hold Maddie pretty much all day since 95% of our pictures are when she's on her diaper changing pad ;)

10w 2d

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

9 weeks

Maddie is nine weeks old already!! She's changing so much every day. This week she started holding up her head and sleeping through the night!! We've been starting her bedtime routine around 9:30 and she's in bed asleep from 10-6:30. Then she comes in our bed and snuggles with Mommy for a few more hours after she eats breakfast. I only have 3.5 weeks left of maternity leave, and I'm hoping the weather improves so I can take her to the park and hopefully the beach.

9w 4d