Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Mads is either going to grow up to be a model or grow up and hate cameras with the amount of pictures and videos I take.

She started sitting up on her own today =)

Here are a couple of random pictures as well...

5m 2d

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Major Cuteness

My Mom's Group did an exchange where we all drew someone's name and bought a onesie/t-shirt for the other person's kiddo. The person who drew me (the lovey Shannon) bought Mads an adorable dress from Janie and Jack and Mads and I both love it. Of course, as soon as I put it on her she lifted it up over her head (haha I guess we're going to have to work on that). I'm excited for her to get a chance to wear it to Luke and Deanna's wedding in a few weeks!

5m 1d

Monday, July 27, 2009

5 months

Mads is 5 months old today!! It's so much fun to watch her grow up and learn new things. Here are some new things this month:

- She's teething: Lots of drool, chewing on everything in sight and sleepless nights.
- She's eating solids: Bananas, apples & peaches.
- She adores her exersaucer - She likes to make the whole thing shake and then she belly laughs.
- She's wearing mostly 6 month clothes.
- She's in Size 2 diapers.
- She has lots of friends at daycare: Charlie, Ethan, Daniel, Marissa & her new "boyfriend" Prestley who she was holding hands with last week.
- She "chews" on the back of her paci.
- She has recently discovered the kitties and loves watching them and talking to them. She even pets Teddy when he's brave enough to get close to her.
- She is fascinated by cell phones, cameras and remotes and will do anything possible to try to get them in her mouth.
See what I mean about trying to get the camera!!


Friday, July 24, 2009


Mads loves her Exersaucer, and her new favorite thing to do is to lean from side to side and front to back so the whole thing shakes. She thinks it's hilarious! Here's a video of her in action:

4m 3w 6d

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Giants Game

We took Mads to her first (of many I'm sure) Giants game last Saturday. We took the ferry from Larkspur and she loved the whole trip. She even got to wear the tiny Tim Lincecum jersey that her Auntie Dory got her. Someone on the ferry even commented that she's about the same size as Timmy lol.

It was an evening game, and we were a little worried that we were going to be out during her bedtime, but she did fantastic. She loved "talking" to everyone on the boat. Once we got settled at the park they sent me to guest services to get her an official "My first Giants Game" certificate. Very cute and already in her baby book =)

It was a fun day, great game & I'm sure we'll be doing it again soon.

Go Giants!!

4m 2w 5d

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Apples and Bananas

We've still been experimenting with different foods to get an idea of what Mads likes and to let her get used to eating big girl food.

We started with rice cereal and overall she's not really a big fan (although after smelling the stuff, I can't really say I blame her). She had one day at daycare that she went crazy for it, but for the most part she just blows raspberries into the spoon and ends up wearing most of it.

Last week I made some homemade applesauce for her and while she liked it more than the rice cereal, she still wasn't a huge fan. She'd eat a few bites and be done.

Then last night I decided to give her a pureed banana (at the suggestion of my coworker David who's adorable son J.P. is about two weeks younger than Mads). She LOVED it. I gave her about a quarter of a banana and she ate the whole thing. She was opening her mouth wide and didn't spit any out. Matt and I were definitely proud parents!!

I think next week I'm going to try mixing some applesauce with some smashed bananas which reminds me of:

4m 2w 4d

Friday, July 3, 2009

4th of July, Picnic, First food & family

Mads has had a busy couple of days!

On Thursday she had a 4th (well technically 2nd) of July parade at daycare. She was decked out in red, white & blue from head to toe.

After the parade I picked her up and took her with me to my company picnic. She had a great time hanging out by Stafford Lake and playing with my co-workers daughter.

At Maddie's doctor's appointment this week, we were given the go ahead to start her on solids (aka rice cereal). We made our first attempt at it this morning. She wasn't sure how she felt about it, but she had a good time playing with the spoon and managed to get a little bit of it in her mouth.

Finally, this afternoon Matt's Mom, Dad and Grandma came down for a visit. Mads had a great time visiting with everyone. She was "talking" and was (as always) the life of the party.

Playing with Great-Grandma Dolly

4 generations!
4m 6d

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

4 month doctor's appointment

Mads had her 4 month doctor's appointment today. We got to find out how big she is now, and she had to have 3 shots (boo!). She did fantastic!! She adores (as do I) her pediatrician, Dr. Hensley. He said she's doing wonderful and is a little ahead of schedule developmentally (duh! I mean she is our kid lol). She was upset for about a minute after getting her shots, but after getting some cuddles and food from Mommy she was as good as new.

Here are her stats:

Height: 26" (95% for her age)

Weight: 14lb 8oz (67% for her age)

Head size: 16.26" (58% for her age)

Our little girl isn't so little anymore!

4m 4d