Sunday, June 28, 2009

4 months

Another month has passed and Mads is now four months old! Time seemed to be going by fast before, but since I've gone back to work it's been flying by even faster.

Here are some of her stats:

- Can sit up with help from Mommy & Daddy
- Laughs when she's tickled.
- Can roll over in both directions (front to back and back to front)
- Her favorite toy is Mortimer the Moose, but she still loves to play with Inchy & Jacques.
- Loves to play in her exersaucer
- Puts anything and everything in her mouth
- Can hold her toys and her paci
- Still in Size 1 diapers (but will need to move up a size soon)
- Wears some 3 month, but mostly 6 month clothes
- Loves playing in the water (her bathtub and as of today the pool)
- Finger-painted at daycare

Her daily routine:

7:30am - Up for the day
7:45am - Breakfast
8:00am - Head to Daycare with Mommy
8:30am-3:30pm - Daycare - - Usually eats at 9:30, 1 & 3:15 - - Takes a couple of long naps - - Spends time playing with the other babies & her teachers.
3:30pm - Picked up by Mommy & head home
4:00pm-5:30pm - Spend time with Mommy - Sing songs, go for a walk, read a book, play with toys
5:30pm - Daddy's home!!
5:45pm - Dinner
6:00pm-8:00pm - Spend time with Mommy & Daddy - Go for a walk, listen to music, play on the floor, snuggle
8:00pm - PJ's, swaddle, bedtime snack
8:15pm - Bedtime
2:30am - Up for a snack
5:00am - More snacks
4m 1d


We took Maddie swimming for the first time this morning. We just went to the small pool right across from our building. The pool was empty, so it was perfect. At first she wasn't sure how she felt about being in the water, but after about five minutes, she loved it! She was splashing and kicking her legs and loved swimming around with Mommy and Daddy. I think we'll be spending lots of time at the pool this summer.

4m 1d

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Busy Summer

This last weekend was the start of what is going to be a very busy summer for us. We have two weddings (and everything that goes along with them), birthday parties, graduation celebrations, Giants games & work events. We're looking forward to it, but I can't believe by the time we have another free weekend Mads will be 6 months old!!

Mads started daycare 3 weeks ago when I went back to work & she LOVES it. She has lots of friends and is always all smiles when I drop her off in the morning. The teachers in her room are fantastic with her and put up with anxious phone calls during the day. So far she's "painted" a picture for her Daddy for Father's Day, played with bubbles & loves "talking" to her friends. She even has a boyfriend or two (shhhh don't tell her Daddy).

She finally figured out how to roll from her back to her tummy. She's been working on it for almost a month and she was finally able to get her arm tucked under yesterday. Now I can hardly keep her on her back for any length of time!In her 4th of July hat from Grandpa Robert & Grandma Sarah

Sucking on her foot in the car - It's her new favorite thing

Hanging out with her lovey

She was not thrilled about being in the car for 7.5 hours

3m 3w 6d

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Maddie's New Toy

Matt and I took Maddie to the Marin Parents of Multiples Garage Sale this morning. There were a ton of people and a whole gym worth of stuff to look through. We were hoping to find an exersaucer for Maddie & we lucked out. Not only did we find one in good shape, but it's PINK! Very, very pink! Mads loves it and is having fun checking out all the cool toys that it came with.

3m 1w 3d

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rolling Over

Mads rolled over tonight for the first time!!