Saturday, February 20, 2010


Matt and I couldn't decide what to get Mads for her birthday, so we decided a new house would just have to do ;)

We started looking in January and were lucky enough to work with an amazing agent and mortgage broker who both made the process incredibly easy.

We put an offer on a house in Fairfield about three weeks ago and we're set to get the keys March 1st!

We're excited to get started painting and decorating and to get settled in our new town.

Here are a ton of pictures - I apologize that they're formatted weird - I'm having trouble with blogger - If you click them you can see the whole picture:

The front

The porch

The office

Master bathroom

Master bedroom

Madison's room

Guest room

Top of the stairs

Bottom of the stairs

Downstairs bathroom

Living room



Monday, February 1, 2010

11 months

I can't believe Madison will be ONE in less than a month! Time has flown by, but we're having so much fun watching her turn into a toddler. She's full of personality and makes sure to less us know when she's not happy about something.

At 11 months Mads:

- Says hi, bye, piggy & ball
- Wears size 3 diapers
- Wears 12 & 18 month clothes
- Walks!!!! She's cruising all over the place now.
- Is transitioning to the toddler room at daycare. She loves playing with the "big kids"
- Loves eating Cuties (oranges), cheese & yogurt.
- Love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - She claps when she sees Mickey
- Takes her Piggy everywhere.

Sitting in the diaper container downstairs - Doesn't look comfy to me, but she was happy

Mads and Mommy getting ready for school - Do you see her RED hair?

Talking with Mommy before school - She was sweet until she tried to beat me up with her piggy

11m 6d