Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I've been falling behind on updating the blog, but a few weeks ago Mad's Grammy, Grandpa & Great Grandma came and met us at the local pumpkin patch. I'm not entirely sure that she knew what the round, orange things aka pumpkins were all about, but she was fascinated with the horses. She's definitely an animal lover.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blog Challenge #3

When did you know you were a grown-up?

That's a really tough question. Until recently I don't know that I'd ever had a point in time where I'd felt 100% grown up.

I've had several moments in the last month where I found myself saying or thinking something that probably would have embarrassed me or made me roll my eyes at my parents had they said it. Each time I can imagine Madison giving me the same look I used to give my parents, and I find myself realizing that now I am a parent - I am a grown-up.

For example:

- High school students are KIDS - not adults like I used to think I was in high school.
- I find myself wanting to yell at the neighbors to keep it down when they're partying past 9pm.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More Crawling (as requested by the Grandparents)

Grammy Linda and Grandpa Robert have both requested more video of our mobile little girl, so here's another video of Mads crawling (unsuccessfully) after one of the kitties.

7m 2w 2d

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blog Challenge #2

It's week two of the blog challenge with my Mom's group, so here it goes:

Do you enjoy reading?
I love reading! I find it so relaxing to curl up with a good book.

What do you read and when?
I used to read all the time. Mostly chick lit, but sometimes a classic, biography or travel book thrown in for good measure. Lately....not so much. Since Mads has arrived, I've only found time to read a couple of books & they were both while I was traveling to and from my best friend's wedding in LA. Thinking about it now that makes me sad & I definitely need to find time to read more often.

What's your favorite book ever?
It's really, really, really hard to choose just one, but I guess I'd have to say Pride and Prejudice. It's a book that I can read again and again and never get sick of.
I also adore the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella. They're so much fun and super easy reads. Plus, they always remind me of my (shopaholic) best friend, so they make me smile.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Milestones

Mads has been a very busy girl the last couple of weeks. Here are a few of the highlights:

She has two teeth! They have finally come in enough that they're easy to spot when she smiles.

She waves hi & bye. Her favorite is to wave bye to herself in the mirror and to wave hi to Daddy when he gets home from work.

Last, but not least, she's crawling!!!! Very cute and very scary for Mommy and Daddy since we can no longer plop her down on the floor and expect her to stay put!

7m 1w 3d

Friday, October 2, 2009

7 months

I'm a few days late in posting Mads seven-month stats, but we've been busy. We had a month full of friends and family and lots of traveling.

Here are some of Mads new accomplishments this month:

- She can pull herself up to stand.
- Scoots around the floor backwards on her tush.
- Crawls backwards
- Sits up at night in her crib while she's sleeping (this is amusing because she generally doesn't mean to and she gets upset that she's not laying down anymore)
- Wears size 3 diapers
- Wears 9-12 month clothes
- Loves toys that rattle
- Sleeps with her piggy
- Can turn light switches on and off
- Feeds herself finger foods - Puffs & Banana
- Drinks from a sippy cup
- Rides in her big girl stroller and car seat

7m 5d