Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog Challenge Catch Up

Oops! I slacked on my blog challenge, so I'm catching up in this post.

Challenge #4 - What was your (or your child's) "best" Halloween costume ever? (Bonus points for photos!)

My best Halloween costume was when I was in 7th grade and dressed as an Old Man. I wore one of my Grandpa's old suits, a pillow under my shirt for a belly and an hat to cover my hair. I didn't talk to anyone when I got to school, so nobody knew it was me until it was time to go to class and sit down. Definitely my favorite costume ever.

My second favorite was during college when I dressed up as a can-can/salon girl for a sorority event. I rented the costume from a costume shop and it turned out great.

Challenge #5 -
What is your favorite Halloween candy of all time?

Do I really have to pick just one?! I'm so indecisive - Especially when it comes to candy.

My top three:

Sweet Tarts
Grape Tootsie Roll Pops

Challenge #6 -
If money were no object, what would you do with your time?

Spend time with my daughter.
Travel - Greece, Spain, Germany & Australia first ;)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

8 months!!!

Our little girl is eight months old and starting to feel more and more like a toddler everyday.

Here are her eight month stats:

- She waves hi & bye
- She pulls herself up to stand (on absolutely everything which I'm pretty sure she does just to give us panic attacks)
- She feeds herself - puffs, eggs, cheese, fruit, toast
- She said her first word "Puff" while eating puffs at dinner one night
- She's crawling
- She's walking if she holds onto Mom or Dad
- She knows how to turn light switches on and off
- She has three teeth - All on the bottom
- She's wearing size 3 diapers
- She's wearing 9 or 12 month clothes.
- Loves when Daddy gets home from work and always gives him lots of smiles

8m 4d