Friday, July 4, 2008

First Craving

This morning I was at the store grocery shopping when I realized that I absolutely had to have root beer. Very interesting since I HATE root beer. I spent 15 minutes searching for root beer that is caffeine free - Thank goodness for IBC. When I got home I couldn't drink one fast enough - I even made it a root beer float. Delicious!
7w 3d

Thursday, July 3, 2008

First Appointment

Today we had our first appointment. I've been so nervous & anxious & excited that I could hardly concentrate the last couple of days. We saw the NP this time, which was great because it's the NP that I normally see for my OB/GYN appointments. She asked if we had any questions and then we went over the mountain of paperwork that we had to fill out before the appointment.

After all the questions and answers we got down to the good stuff - The Ultrasound! Once she found Bean on the screen she turned the monitor around so Matt and I could see too. We got to see the heartbeat (it's too early to hear) flickering away. It was so completely amazing that I have no idea how to even describe it. She moved my due date from February 21st to February 17th, but said it could be a week either way and Bean is measuring around 6.5 weeks even though I'm "officially" 7 weeks and 2 days according to Kaiser's pregnancy wheel. Oh so confusing.

She printed out some pictures for us to take home and sent me to the lab to have blood work done. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the lab tech - She was really friendly and totally understanding of my needle phobia. She turned my chair around so I didn't have to look, and I didn't even feel the needle - amazing!! She's definitely my hero for the day.

We go back on August 4th and get to see Bean again when he/she will look more like a baby and less like a rice crispy.

Here's baby's first picture:Bean is the little teeny tiny dot between the crosses.

Matt and I are thrilled that everything is going well so far.

7w 2d