Monday, February 6, 2012

Madison Update

Madison is doing great and getting big! I can’t believe she’ll be three in 3 short weeks. My little baby has grown into a big girl, and I wish there was some way to slow her down and keep her small forever. She’s at a really fun age – asking lots of questions, making observations & certainly forming her own opinions about what she likes/doesn’t like.

I’m hoping to keep the blog up to date from this point forward, but here are some things that have gone on/are currently going on in Madison’s world:

- At her two year appointment she weighed 27 pounds.

- She has a huge vocabulary – Her teachers tell us they are amazed by how verbal she is.

- She loves her class and especially her teacher Ms. Tiffany (or Ms. Tiffy as Maddie calls her)

- Her best friends are Travion and Naomi.

- She still carries her pig aka Ms. Pigerson with her everywhere she goes.

- Her favorite foods are Mexican food (quesadillas and beans) and chili.

- She can count to fourteen.

- She knows her numbers, letters and colors

- Her favorite television shows are Olivia & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

- Her favorites movies are Tangled & Beauty and the Beast

- She loves anything and everything Princess

- Her favorite place to be is the park – We have two that we visit regularly and she has named them: Castle Park is a park in Vacaville that has, you guessed it, a castle & Maddie’s park which is the park next to our house. She loves to swing on the big girl swings and go on the slides.

- For her birthday last year we had a Madison’s Sweet Shop themed party (thanks Auntie Jen!) with cupcakes and lots of candy. She was in heaven!!

- For Halloween 2010 she was a cow & Halloween 2011 she was a bumble bee. She was so much fun to take trick-or-treating this year now that she understands the concept. We even went ToTing twice – Once in downtown Davis (so fun!) and once around our neighborhood.

And of course - Lots of pictures

I’m sure I’m leaving out lots of important details, but I’m so far behind with updating. Thank goodness I’ve at least been updating facebook!

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